We are a Conglomerate Business with a stake in Trade, Manufacturing, Agro-Business, Real Estate, Consultancy and Christian Ministry.

Oracle Group was founded by Ssentongo Elly Kitindi in March 2006. Kitindi built upon the foundations established by his late father, Samwiri Sekitoleko Zamufuula, a self-made business owner and entrepreneur whose business acumen, agility and resilience continues to inspire the Group’s founder.

Starting as a trading sole proprietorship dealing in soft drinks on Kampala’s William Street, Oracle Group prides of a business anchored on a solid foundation of values and ideology with Christ Jesus as the Cornerstone.

We are entrepreneurs by calling, and we believe that entrepreneurship is the true path to both personal and financial freedom.

Entrepreneurship Matters to us because it has the ability to improve standards of living and create wealth, not only for the entrepreneurs but also for the society. It guarantees and safeguards shareholder’s equity and ensures that the work of evangelism and environmentalism is sustained. Entrepreneurs also help drive change with innovation, where new and improved products and services enable new markets to be developed.

At Oracle Group, we believe that making a lot of money fast is not the first goal of entrepreneurs. Conversely, we diligently aim at building successful teams and combining the best skills to deliver high quality goods and services; while maintaining integrity and living our values in all our dealings with all stakeholders.

At Oracle Group, we aim to provide a great place to work where people feel respected, supported, and safe so that our diverse, uniquely talented employees, management, and board members are free to drive innovation that can result in better productivity and performance; and hence create shareholder value. We maintain our workplace(s) as a secure business environment that supports and protects our people, assets, and reputation, and minimizes losses and disruption.

Our vision and mission to deliver lasting value depend on our making decisions every day that support our long-term existence as a conglomerate business worthy of public trust and shareholders’ confidence.

We believe that by aligning social (people), environmental (planet), and economic (profit) aspects, sustainable entrepreneurship can improve, promote, and pursue more balanced initiatives that bring value to the whole society.

We believe in a Saviour called Jesus Christ and His Accomplished Work on the Cross (John 3:16- 21NLT; Galatians 3:13NLT; 2Corinthians 5:21NLT; Romans 3:25NLT).

The saving power of Jesus Christ is what energizes us to work diligently and gives us saving faith (Ephesians 2:8-9AMP) that compels us to reach out to lost people through evangelism. We reach out to the lost because we’re commanded to do so (Matthew 28: 18-20NLT; Mark 16:15-18NLT).

In doing this, we are not just another business conglomerate. We are the God-ordained instrument to bring about social-economic transformation, which in turn brings about total human transformation (spirit, soul and body).


We Exist to Embody the Values of Christ in Our Business Endeavors, Enhancing Well-Being Through Responsible Resource Management and Investments. Guided By Faith and Ethics, We Strive for Prosperity While Tirelessly Serving God and Humanity, Nurturing A Legacy That Reflects Both Material Success and Spiritual Fulfillment.


Cultivating Prosperity, Enriching Lives, and Honoring a Higher Purpose.


Guided By Faith and Compassion, We Elevate, Invest, And Nurture Resources to Enrich Both the World and Our Business. Our Mission Is to Amplify Prosperity for All, Aligning Our Business Growth with The Greater Good.


Our Business Is Firmly Rooted in A Bedrock of Unwavering Values and A Visionary Ideology, With Christ Jesus Serving as Our Cornerstone, Guiding Us in Every Endeavor.


We are Capitalists. We See Opportunities; Capitalize on them, and in the process provide opportunities for others.


Our 7 (seven) core values define who we are; whether at the physical workplace or outside it. They include:

  1. We Celebrate Christ Jesus
  • We live for Christ and His Accomplished Work on the Cross (Romans 14:8NIV; Galatians 3:13NLT; 2Corinthians 5:21NLT; Romans 3:25NLT).
  • We’re not slaves to sin and the law; but free in Christ Jesus (Galatians 5:1- 15NLT; Colossians 2:6-23NLT; Colossians 3:1-17NLT).
  1. We Love Community
  • We use our freedom in Christ to serve humanity in love.
  • We serve in the best interest of the community.
  • We donate a portion of every sale to causes we believe in (i.e., evangelism & environmentalism).
  1. We Act with Integrity
  • We serve clients, partners, suppliers, staff and shareholders with honesty, ethical behavior and excellence.
  • We’re accountable for our decisions and actions; and for the success of Oracle Group and its subsidiaries.
  1. We Embrace Team Work
  • We’re a team that dreams together, works together, and achieves together.
  • We’re our brother’s keeper; and responsible for the well-being of our team Members.
  1. We’re Open Minded
  • We’re free from prejudices and stereotypes.
  • We’re willing to consider new ideas, creations and innovations.
  1. We’re Relational
  • We believe in fostering authentic relationships with clients, partners, suppliers, staff and shareholders. Relations based on trust, mutual respect and love.
  • We live in relation to others in recognition of an interrelatedness of humanity.

       7. We’re STEWARDS.

  • We take care of all company resources responsibly, including finances, people, assets, and the environment; acting in the best interests of future generations.
  • We make decisions that are ethical, transparent, and aligned with the long-term well-being of the company and its stakeholders.

  • We focus on the long-term success of the company rather than short-term gains. This includes planning for future growth, stability, and disruption while considering their potential impacts on all stakeholders.